• Effective December 2023, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments will become the primary method by which we accept and process all payments.
  • Clients who already have ACH information listed as payment methods on our billing portal- your charges will be processed using ACH instead of Credit card automatically, effective the above date.
  • For clients who don’t yet have ACH information on our billing portal, please consider adding it to avoid the new 3% surcharge which will be assessed to ALL credit card charges, effective December 2023.
  • As a reminder, Gallop Technology Group does not charge any fees or surcharges to payments processed using ACH.
  • For more information, as well as step-by-step walkthrough for how to add ACH as a billing method on our billing portal– please visit

Billing Portal

Please Note: You do not need to request access if you just completed the new client intake form, the invitation to the billing portal will be emailed to you when approved.
Gallop Technology Group Billing Portal will allow access to manage payment methods and see paid & unpaid invoices.

Already have a billing portal account?

Never had access to our new billing portal?

Forgot your password?

How to add ACH to your billing account


Pay An Invoice

(If You Have An Invoice Number)

Net 20 Terms Application

(Apply For Net 20 Terms)

Part 1: New Access Request

If you have not requested or been setup for access, please visit and select “Request access”. Supply the information requested in the four fields and submit the request. Please allow 24-48 hours for us to process the request. After completion an email will be sent, and you may continue to Part 2.

Enter your email and wait a few minutes for the password reset link.

After you have reset your password, please return to logon screen and log on with your username (your email address) and the new password you just set.

Part 2: Logging into portal

Note: If you just completed the new client intake form, the welcome email will have a link to set your password.

(For security reasons, as part of setup, a complex password was set to enable your account. The only way to change it is through the password reset procedure below. This is intentional— forcing you to change your password to a private password to gain access.)

Follow This Link:

On the following page, as you have not accessed the portal previously, click on “Forgot password?”

Part 3: Updating / Entering Payment Method on File

**Please note one valid card on file is required for any service, if you were to add multiple cards please label at least one card for re-occurring if re-occurring services are associated with your account.

***Payment method on file will be setup for automatic payment for any services or charges on the due date by Gallop Technology Group Accounting, if you have any questions about automated payments please contact office at
Phone: 480-614-4227

Select “New Payment Method” in the tile in the middle of the screen:
Click the “+” to add payment method:
Enter in your billing information, please add appropriate description on the first line if there are multiple payment methods.

**Please note that if you select to schedule a payment, make sure that scheduled payment is prior to the due date as invoice will be subject to automatic processing beyond the due date.

Part 4: Paying / Viewing Invoices

To view open / unpaid invoices, click on “Pay Bills” or select “Open Invoices” from the Billing menu on the right hand side.

Please contact office 480-614-4227 if you run into any issues, or email