Last updated: 10/22/2024
Step 1: After you have received a welcome email, follow the link in the email or visit:
Step 2: Enter your email address
(Note: Login with Google and Microsoft is not currently available.)
Step 3: Setup your Password, then click Sign Up.
Step 4: You will receive code from, enter the code to log in.
You are now logged into the payment portal.
Relevant Areas:
1. Invoices – See invoice history
2. Payment History – See history of payments
3. Payment Methods
Payment Methods:
This is very straightforward, click on “Payment Methods” tab and edit to update the current payment method or “+ Add new card” or “+ Add new bank”.
Note: There is no surcharge for ACH payments, 2.9% will be passed on for Visa or Mastercard payments and 3.5% for American Express.
Add Credit Card:
Add ACH:
(Note: Auto-Pay is already setup to process payments on the Invoice due date.)