Security Breaches Hurt Small Businesses the Most!
It is estimated that 60 percent of hacked SMBs go out of business only after six months. More than 70 percent of attacks target small businesses. If that isn’t enough, small businesses are often the gateways for malicious actors to gain access to bigger companies, where there is a lot of data to steal.
If You Become a Data
Breach Victim, Recovery
May be Impossible.
Many have estimated the average cost of recovery from an SMB data breach being $36,000 or higher. Average cost of each compromised data record charged back to the victims’ company is said to be $318. These amounts can be equivalent to the total value, or even exceed the value of many victim businesses.
Consider this scenario. After a lot of hard work, you finally land the customer of your dreams but since you have not taken the proper security measures you have to deliver the news to your customer that you’ve had a breach and their personal data has been compromised.
Doesn’t happen? Think again. In 2013, Target’s data was famously breached. But few people know that the company’s vast database was hacked through its HVAC vendor, a small company. That attack ended up costing Target $39 million in settlements and affecting 40 million customers.
Protect Your Business!
Removing Administrator privileges from everyday Windows users slows down or stops a high percentage of malware infections. This is the safest procedure to follow. By only allowing Standard privileges you’ll reduce your attackers target size from the “side of a barn” to a bottlecap.
Despite the clear security advantages, only allowing Standard privileges has historically been a cause for concern. Many small businesses compromise on this measure because of the possibility of it leading to productivity issues that would frustrate users when privileges are needed most.
When are privileges needed the most? When there is nothing going on? When all is quiet at your business? Hardly! Almost always when time is most critical! – Five minutes before a video conference meeting that they need to join, when they need an update to process payroll, or they need to update an
application to finish a time sensitive project, and the list goes
on. Is it Murphy’s law? Maybe.
Recent studies show that Small Business Owners (SMB) are a special target to hackers and cyber criminals.
Why? One possibility is that they’re unaware of the risks, but the more common excuse is they feel they can’t afford proper security measures. Only about 22 percent of small businesses are willing to improve their security measures.
A Better Way to Manage Admin Privileges!
Many customers are not willing to partner with companies who have had a data breach, period.
What customers can you afford to lose?
With our trusted Privilege Management System, not having Admin privileges is painless and saves users critical time at moments when they need privileges the most.
Now in critical moments when privileges are required, users won’t have to call or even type out a service request. Engineers will be automatically notified, and in many cases, will respond in a matter of seconds. Privileges can be elevated directly and immediately, allowing users to continue with their work in an effortless and painless way, 24/7.
Now you can have the best of both worlds. Privileges don’t have to be an all or nothing
Sign up HERE to get a FREE DOMAIN CHECK service. This is a free audit for your company’s email security and dark-web monitoring.